In a globalized world with an increasingly disputed market, many companies have moved their factories to other countries, seeking to guarantee the same or greater quality, lower costs and greater competitiveness. Some companies do not have the capital or the know-how to venture into the Asian market but are forced to look for new ways to be more profitable.
With that in mind, DASCO specializes in developing suppliers in China in any segment. Not only carrying out the sourcing, but also supporting its customers in all purchasing management, starting with the supplier’s search and going through valuation of samples, support in the negotiation for better conditions, until the due closing of the order.
It is quite common, when venturing into the Asian world, to have doubts about the quality of the product, the existence of the factory or even if you can take a default after payment.
DASCO assists through all this intermediation, allowing you to invest with peace of mind and security during the product purchase process.